Acupuncture is Asia’s one of ancient and traditional forms of medical therapy and is one of the components of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This medical practice works based on the flow of “Chi”, which means energy which is otherwise in Indian philosophy correlated to ‘prana’ or vital energy. The correction in the flow of energy is manipulated by using fine needles to insert strategic points in the body, which influence the balance in the energy flow, thereby helping in healing. The World Health Organization has recognized this medical practice system as effective for a spectrum of health conditions.
RK Nature Cure, a renowned naturopathy hospital, integrates ancient healing methods with modern care. Experience the benefits of natural treatment and holistic physiotherapy treatment, designed to restore balance and promote overall well-being through techniques like acupuncture.
Acupressure is a physical method of treatment similar to Acupuncture, where physical pressure is exerted on the Acupuncture points on specific meridian points to correct the flow of energy, i.e. “Chi”. There are various methods of manipulation techniques for stimulating the acupressure points. It is very helpful in various ailments like Headaches, Migraines, Sinusitis, Painful conditions, Asthma, Insomnia, Anxiety, Sleep disorders, etc.
The foot and hand are the primary reflex areas in the body which have the mapping of all the parts and organs of the body in them. Reflexology is the science of applying pressure and thereby activating the corresponding organs that cause disease or pain. Relief is easily appreciable when reflexology is professionally done under medical guidance and supervision. This is simple and very effectively easy to practice therapy for various conditions. It is easy for the patients to understand and practice by themselves at home.